Friday, April 18, 2014

Pottsboro Senior Center Presentation April 29 - What I Did in World War II

Book cover Memories of Wartme Wanderiongs

The Pottsboro Senior Center will host guest speaker Dr. Jerry Lincecum and Dr. Peggy Redshaw on Tuesday, April 29 at 11 a.m. at the Pottsboro Library, 104 N. Main St., Pottsboro.

They will review a memoir by former Pottsboro resident, Dr. Ann Van Wynen Thomas - MEMORIES OF WARTIME WANDERINGS: WHAT I DID IN WWII , outlining her career in the U.S. Foreign Service. by

"Memories of Wartime Wanderings" recounts a five-and-a-half year odyssey in the life of a young woman. In 1943, in the midst of WWII, Ann Van Wynen completed her law degree at the University of Texas and accepted an appointment as a vice consul in the U.S. Foreign Service. The long journeys and tough experiences she experienced over the next five years changed her life forever.

Dr. Lincecum and Dr. Redshaw are former Austin college professors and co-directors of the “Telling Our Stories” program.   Since 1990, Jerry and Peggy have helped scores of senior citizens write and publish their memoirs in story form.  They have published a dozen volumes of stories by local writers.

Following the presentation, lunch will be served.  Advance reservations for lunch are required by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 29 by calling 903-327-3728.  Meals are served at no charge for those 60 years or older, donations are greatly appreciated. 

The City of Pottsboro, Texoma Council of Government’s Area Agency on Aging, and Lake Texoma Rotary, along with the Pottsboro Area Library support the Senior Center. 

The Pottsboro Senior Center is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  More information is available on the City of Pottsboro’s website or you may email

For more information about activities in the Pottsboro area, visit TexomaConnect

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