Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2013 "Viking Challenge" huge success!

The 2013 "Viking Challenge!" Miller Barber Memorial Tournament was a huge

Miller Barbare Memorial Tournament winners
Winners - Team Choctaw
success, raising of $16,000 in Grayson College student scholarship funds.  The annual fundraiser "Viking Challenge!" golf tournament has been permanently re-named  in memory of Senior Champion PRO Golfer Miller Barber, who - with his family - resided in Sherman for 37 years prior to moving to Clinton, MT a few years ago to retire. Miller Barber honored us by playing in our "Viking Challenge!" a few times. Grayson County ~ and Grayson College ~ was fortunate to have someone of this caliber in our presence, and we intend to keep his memory alive through our annual tournament. This year, a portion of the proceeds from our benefit golf tournament ($5,000) was designated to initially establish and permanently endow the Miller Barber Memorial Scholarship.

This fund has already grown to $6,200 through contributions from others. If you knew Miller Barber or his family, and would like to make a contribution to this endowment, you may do so by making your check payable to the "Grayson College Foundation" and including a note on the memo line of your check: "Miller Barber Memorial Scholarship" The GC Foundation Office will notify Karen Barber of any memorial contributions received.

The tournament attracted  114 golfers participants  this year and our order for "Sunshine & a Cool Breeze" was delivered by Mother Nature! It was a great day for all.

The winning team was Team Choctaw,
Second place, Team Bonner (Don Bonner, Luke Bonner, Hilda Darwin,Roy Franks, and Denny Darwin)
Third place, Team Barber (Hunter Harrison, Casey Harrison, Brad Harrison, Jeremy McMillen, Doug Harrison and Larry Barber)

Other pix from our 2013 "Viking Challenge!" Miller Barber Memorial Tournament will soon be posted on our website: (including a photo of each team and a number of casual shots taken throughout the day), and if you're on Facebook, you can also check out the Grayson College Alumni Association or Mike Hurley's FB page:!/mike.hurley.1884?fref=ts
Looking forward to next year's tournament!!!

Fall is a wonderful time to be at the lake, whether you like to fish or golf, why not both?  Find a complete directory of Lake Texoma golf courses or find a fishing guide on

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