Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tulsa District Reservoir Drought Update Jan. 16, 2014

Lake Texoma experiencing negative impacts of long-term drought
Press Release:  US Army Corps of Engineers
Jan 22, 2014 (Photo by USACE)

TULSA, Okla. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District
Drought condition level map
Drought Level Map January 2014
(USACE) and The Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) acknowledge the negative impacts associated with reduced water levels at Lake Texoma. Hydropower and municipal and industrial water supply usage contribute to the lower level, but remain critical in meeting electricity and water needs.

Factors contributing to the lowering lake levels include a multi-year extreme drought with the lowest inflows since the lake’s construction in 1944, below average rainfall since 2009, and significant evaporation losses for the past few years. The current water level is in the range of elevation 609 feet, placing the lake in Drought Level 2 of the district’s Drought Contingency Plan.

“Lake Texoma has significant power and water supply storage that is congressionally authorized for use and paid for by the users,” said Col. Richard Pratt, commander, USACE Tulsa District. “In times of drought, this storage is required to consistently provide water and electricity to the region and this results in a lower lake level. The entities that have water contract agreements with the Corps have a right to their water, and we all acknowledge that fact while emphasizing conservation to limit the long-lasting negative effects on fish, wildlife, and recreational activities.”

The Corps realizes that the low pool elevation of Lake Texoma negatively impacts recreational users. Boaters can expect more water hazards and sand bars. Larger vessels may have difficulty navigating in marina concession areas, and all vessels may experience extremely shallow water conditions in various locations of the lake. Vessels equipped with a depth finder are strongly encouraged to monitor the water depth. As always, the Corps recommends that all boaters wear a life jacket.

Concerned citizens contacted Ralph Hall, U.S. Representative for Texas’ 4th District, about Lake Texoma’s dropping elevation, and Congressman Hall in turn contacted Tulsa District about these concerns. The Corps, SWPA and Hall are working together to increase the efficient management of Lake Texoma’s water storage.

“Throughout my years in public service, I have had a good working relationship with the Army Corps of Engineers and hold great respect for them due to their knowledge, adherence to the law, and willingness to work collaboratively in order to best serve the American people,” said Hall. “I appreciate the Corps’ efforts on this issue, and I will continue to stay engaged with them as we work to help the people of Texoma during these difficult times of drought. We owe it to the good folks of Texoma to work together and be supportive of efforts that work towards maximum appreciation and use of this great body of water – one of the great lakes of our nation.”

In Drought Level 2, Public Law 100-71 requires that SWPA limit power production to rapid response, short term peaking purposes as determined by the power scheduling entity. Short term peaking generally means full power production of 4-8 hours per day on average, with more generation allowed during electrical emergencies. The Corps has coordinated with SWPA to reduce generation accordingly, with calendar year 2013 being the lowest generation year at Lake Texoma since hydropower operations began in 1945. Such a reduction in power production requires replacement power from more expensive energy sources to meet the region’s electricity needs. The Corps also notifies municipal and industrial water users to implement water conservation measures designed to lessen the impact of their withdrawals.

The U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook for the period ending Feb. 28, 2014, indicates that the drought affecting the Lake Texoma watershed will persist or intensify. If the lake’s level drops into the range of elevation 607-599.9 feet, Lake Texoma will enter Drought Level 3 which requires a number of actions emphasizing conservation to limit the impacts associated with long-term drought, among them notification to SWPA of further restrictions of hydropower production.

Tulsa District remains committed to the efficient management of the water stored in Lake Texoma for the purposes of flood risk management, hydropower, water supply, fish and wildlife, recreation, and navigation. The Corps’ website provides water level information on the Water Control Data System page at

For photos and more information you can visit the Save Lake Texoma FB page and if you love Lake Texoma, call the congressman in your state and let them know how you feel about Lake Texoma.  Like "Save Lake Texoma"  and let all political leaders know how important this issue is to you.

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