Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monica Babin Muil named Photographer of the Month by the Friends of Hagerman NWR

By Friends of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Aug 2, 2013
Monica Babin Muil has been named August Photographer of the Month

Hagerman Photographer of the Month
Great Egret by Monica Babin Muil
by the Friends of Hagerman NWR.  Muil, whose virtual album of twelve photographs taken at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge is featured on the Friends website this month, says, “I was born and raised in Houma, LA until moving to Sherman, Texas in 1971 while still in high school. As such, I have always had a love of wildlife. Photography has been a passion of mine since I was old enough to hold a camera.”

“Although I have taken hundreds of thousands of pictures during my lifetime, it wasn't until I started going to Hagerman every weekend two years ago that I started wishing I had something better than a point and shoot,” she adds. “Just this past Christmas, I broke down and purchased a Nikon D3100. Shortly thereafter I upgraded from the 200mm lens purchased with the camera to a 300mm. I'm already planning my next upgrade!”

Muil says that her life is extremely busy and her job demands that she put in at least 12 hours a day focusing on Talent Acquisition at a company in Grapevine Monday through Friday.  Her weekends are very precious and she spends them at Hagerman. Muil can be found there every single weekend driving with the top down and her Labrador in the backseat or with her photography buddy, Pam Porter, in the passenger seat. According to Muil, there is nothing like the Refuge for a reminder that there is more to life than an office.

She concludes, “By the time I am forced to leave on Sunday nights at

sunset, I feel refreshed and ready to start a new week.  Hagerman has taught me to be a birder and a better photographer. I am grateful to them both for changes in my life.”

Hagerman NWR is located at 6465 Refuge Road, Sherman, Texas, on the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma, and with more than 11,000 acres dedicated to wildlife conservation, offers a myriad of photo opportunities.  .All photographers interested in nature photography are welcome to participate in the various photo programs at the Refuge – Nature Photography Club, Annual Photo Contest, Photographer of the Month and more.  For additional information see or email

Lake Texoma has something for everyone who loves the great outdoors!  Enjoy a multitude of water activities, fishing, sailing, camping, birding, hiking, or just a day out on the islands.  For fun things to do, entertainment and community events, visit  Experience Lake Texoma!

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